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iTest: Can we auto-generate the test reports with required test report template for a specific project

  • iTest
  • Auto-generation of test report is enabled
  • Workspace containing multiple projects each containing separate test report template, test case executed in projectA should generate the test report using the projectA/report23/template A, and test case executed in projectB should generate the test report using the projectB/report23/templateB
  • Currently, we cannot achieve this from iTest GUI, since test reports are generated based on the single template defined in the preferences.
  • But, we can achieve this by using iTestCLI (-t) and iTestRT (--format) by specifying the required test report template path for the -t or --format options.

    itestcli -w <workspace_path> -t <format_of_the_testreport_file> -r <Directory_name_to_store_test_report> <test_case_path>

    itestrt --itar <itar_path> --format <format_of_the_testreport_file> --report <test_report_file_path> --test <test_case_path>

Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest