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Spirent TestCenter: How to enable histogram mode on STC GUI

  • STC 4.93
  • Group Histogram
  • Once you have the basic configuration on the GUI (ports, devices, streamblocks) do as follows:
  1. Go to all Traffic Analyzers option at the left of the GUI, then open the Group Histograms tab and select Pattern under the Group Histogram option. 
  1. Once you select Group Histogram "Pattern", you will be able to select from different Histogram Modes, for this KB purpose, we'll keep Latency.

  1. Check the Enable Group Histogram option on the ports your going to use for your test (This should be done individually all the ports needed)

  1. Hit APPLY
  1. Start traffic and click on the Calibrate button under the All Traffic Analyzers option at the left STC GUI menu, and wait until the histogram status changes to Calibrated.
  1. Click on the Start button and wait until the Histogram status changes to Started.
  1. Set "Port Traffic and Counters > Group Histogram Results view" , and on the Resume Real time Update button () and you will see the Latency Histogram statistics. (Sometimes you may need to hit the Refresh button   - close to "resume real time update button" to see the results updated)


Product : Spirent TestCenter